The Middle Class in the United States

What is it?

We The People

In The Middle is about focusing on the ‘Middle Class’ for economic development and policy decision making. The concept is simple – if we focus economic decisions on the vast majority of the citizens, we will have a better economy and country.

Define the Middle Class based on purchasing power. How much does it cost today to maintain a middle class living standard (LS).

Get the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) to do analysis on how all bills in Congress will affect the Middle Class. 

Free Product Market and Free Labor Market

The free market.

What is the free market

Most conversations around letting the free market decide based on supply and demand are only being considered for the product market not the labor market. Many of the strongest advocates for free market are the same that would support controlling the labor market.

Control the labor market

Time and time again the people who own companies lobby the government to ensure that they can get cheaper labor. The United States has a long history of controlling labor forces.  It is time for the labor forces to control this country. (See Duckbills if you are getting triggered)  The government needs to work for the people in promoting the majorities financial interests.

World Market

The United States needs controls to ensure the profitability and wellbeing of its people. This is not a duckbill call to isolationism.  What these controls should be is a big part of the conversation around how to build up the Middle Class.