The quickest way to end the conversation from having any meaning is with terms that are designed to kill an idea. These I call duckbills.
Duckbills that you hear used when starting a conversation promoting the middle class are terns like: distribution of wealth, socialism, Marxist, communism, class warfare, eat the rich, Americans aren’t willing to do the work, isolationism.
When you hear these terms being used the overall point of the person saying them is not to add value but to remove it. Most people use these idea killers, these duckbills, without malicious intention, we are just “programed” to do this. Programed meaning years of advertising and rhetoric.
Many times, people don’t have a meaning behind their duckbill it is just a kneejerk reaction. The first hurdle is to get past the kneejerk reactions to delve into the substantive meaning of what is the middle class.